SDEP | Young FIDE Seminar – 21. maj 2021
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Young FIDE Seminar – 21. maj 2021

Slovensko društvo za evropsko pravo, kot član FIDE, vas vljudno vabi na brezplačni FIDE seminar, namenjen zlasti mladim, na katerem bodo obravnavane teme kongresa FIDE 2021, kot sledi:

“During the Young FIDE Seminar – which was previously called the ‘PhD Seminar’ – PhD students and Young EU Law practitioners will present papers on the three FIDE topics. Subsequently, expert panels will comment on these papers and facilitate a discussion with the participants. Furthermore, three ‘young rapporteurs’ have been asked to take part in the discussions during the Seminar. The three young rapporteurs will also report back to the respective panels at the FIDE 2021 Congress, and contribute to the fourth Congress volume to be published after the FIDE 2021 Congress. This year, Prof. Sacha Prechal, Judge at the CJEU, will deliver the opening lecture during the Young FIDE Seminar.

We would like to ask you to ‘spread the word’ and to share information on the Young FIDE Seminar with the young generations of EU lawyers in your Member States.

Please find the full programme of the Seminar attached to this email. Registration for the online Young FIDE Seminar is possible here. Further information on the Young FIDE Seminar can be found on our website as well as in the ‘Insight’ on the Young FIDE Seminar that has been published by FIDE Media’s Partner EU Law Live.”